Thankgsgiving Break Picnic! All students and faculty, Join Us! When: Saturday, November 30th |
More Undergraduate and Graduate Student Opportunities
Four students graduated from the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science with the “Honors in Mathematics” designation.
Kenneth Dowling, University Scholar 2019-2020 for Science
Kenneth's future plans include beginning a Math Ph.D. program at Rutgers, Fall 2020
Stephen Hoover, Undergraduate Researcher of the Year for the Charles E. Schmidt College of Science, Florida Atlantic University ($1000 Scholarship, April, 2019).
Stephen's future plans are to pursue a Ph. D. in Complex Systems and Brain Sciences at FAU in Fall 2020.
Amaury Minino, President, Math Club
Amaury's future plans include pursuing a Ph. D. in Math at Colorado State University in Fall, 2020.
Diego Jerez, National Merit Scholar
Diego plans to Pursue an MS in Data Science and Analytics at FAU, Summer 2020