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Dr. Barry Booton

Dr. Rindy Anderson
  • Senior Instructor
  • Department of Mathematics and Statistics
  • 561-297-1337
  • Boca Raton - SE43, Room 286


  • Ph.D. in Harmonic Analysis, University of Illinois at Chicago, 2005

Research Interests

  • Harmonic Analysis
  • Functions of one variable

Research Description

Much of my research has been in harmonic analysis.  My focus has been on norm inequalities involving certain classes of functions (or sequences) and their Fourier transforms and coefficients (or corresponding trigonometric polynomials).  The general monotone functions and sequences are particular classes of interest.  More recently my work has been in functions of one variable; specifically, generalizing functions of bounded variation, and am in the process of developing some interesting applications for such functions. 

Recent Publications

Peer-refereed articles under review

  •  “Another generalization of the Riemann-Stieltjes integral”, 16 pages.
  •  “Rearrangements of general monotone functions and of their Fourier transforms”, 12 pages.

Peer-refereed articles in press

  • “Alternate characterizations of bounded variation and of general monotonicity for functions”, Illinois Journal of Mathematics, to appear.

Peer-refereed articles in print

  • “General monotone functions and their Fourier coefficients”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 426, Issue 2, June 15, 2015, pp. 805-823.
  • “General monotone sequences and trigonometric series”, Mathematische Nachrichten, Vol. 287, Issues 5-6, April, 2014, pp. 518-529.
  • “Asymptotic behavior of Hardy operators”, with Yoram Sagher, Journal of Mathematical Inequalities, Vol. 5, Issue 3, Sept., 2011, pp. 383-400.
  • “Norm inequalities for certain classes of functions and their Fourier transforms”, with Yoram Sagher, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Vol. 335, Issue 2, Nov. 15, 2007, pp. 1416-33 

Scholarly Activities

Conferences and advanced courses attended

  • Advanced Course in Constructive Approximation and Harmonic Analysis, CRM, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain, 2016
  • Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Approximation Theory, CRM, Bellaterra (Barcelona), Spain, 2016


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On top of a mountain overlooking Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

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Dr. Booton enjoys riding his bicycle to Florida Atlantic University.

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